BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Kyrgyzstan - Reduction of Dangers by Uranium-Mining Waste Sites in Mailuu-Suu

Country / Region: Kyrgyzstan / Central AsiaFocal point: Mitigation

Begin of project: February 2, 2005

End of project: June 30, 2008

Status of project: September 15, 2008

Taking of water samples from a local well.Taking of water samples from a local well. Source: BGR

In Kyrgyzstan, uranium ore was mined and processed in the region of Mailuu-Suu (100 km NW from Dschalal-Abad) from 1946 to 1968. The resulting waste rock and tailings have been stored together with ore material of inefficient low uranium content in nearby dumps. Altogether, around 3 million m3 waste material (TACIS 2003) with relatively low radioactive inventory has been deposited in morphologic depressions and covered provisionally.

Accordingly, the World Bank implemented a 6.9 mio. $ disaster hazard mitigation project in Mailuu-Suu. In frame of this project, BGR is carrying out the hydrogeological observation with special respect to the planned geotechnical sanitation of the radioactive waste deposits and is building up a long-term groundwater-monitoring in Mailuu-Suu.

The initial stage of the project comprises the definition of the hydrogeological frame and the investigation of the current distribution of contaminants considering the evaluation of physico-chemical and radiological parameters. Subsequently, the risk potential of the different aquifers will be evaluated regarding the planned sanitation actions. The findings represent the basis for conception and construction of a long-term monitoring network.

Country road in the foothills of the Tien-Shan mountain range.Country road in the foothills of the Tien-Shan mountain range. Source: BGR

Project contributions:


  • Ministry of the Environment of the Kyrgyz Republic (MOE)
  • Center for Radiation Protection and Radioecology, University Hanover (ZSR)

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