BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Supra-regional Africa: Overview on Groundwater in the Niger Basin Authority (NBA)

Groundwater sampling and installation of data collection equipment in the South of Niger Groundwater sampling and installation of data collection equipment in the South of Niger Source: Kolja Bosch

Results and activities (2. Phase)

  • Organization of a workshop for the inventory of the existing groundwater measuring points in the 9 Member Countries and for the definition of selection criteria for measuring points.

Second Regional Workshop on piezometers conducted in May 2017:

  1. Harmonization of data collection;
  2. Inventory of piezo at country level;
  3. Validation of country proposals for network in the pilot areas and for the regional network.

Second Regional Workshop on mapping took place in May 2017:

  1. Continuation of data collection and handling for the development of thematic maps;
  2. Harmonization of legends of national lithological maps finalized;
  3. Development of maps of flood-zones for the estimation of recharge of groundwater layers on the basis of satellite photographs (Landsat, 1984-2016) is finalized;
  4. Establishment of water seasonality and recurrence maps.

Establishing ground water measuring points in the two trans-boundary pilot areas to monitor groundwater (pilot area 1: Benin and Niger done; Nigeria in preparation/ pilot area 2: Guinea, Mali, Côte d’Ivoire in preparation).

Field missions for installation of loggers in the piezometers control of water quality and training on the job of staff was done in Niger (3x), Benin (2x). Two field missions to Nigeria were conducted for the collecting of borehole data and geological maps.

The collected data will serve to develop thematic maps and to formulate recommendations for action in the trans-boundary pilot regions.

Tool developed and functional since July 2017: A programme for the management of the GeODIN hydro-geological data base.

The training of local staff in the Member Countries and of NBA executives was organized during field missions. In detail, we are talking about:

  1. Pumping tests;
  2. Hydro-chemical sampling;
  3. Programming, installation and lecture of automatic loggers;
  4. In 4 missions in Niger and Benin, 9 staff members were trained (NBA, NFS, region)

A first training workshop on QGIS 2.14 (theory and exercises) was organized from 18th to 20th May 2017 in Niamey/Niger for all Member Countries (31 participants).

The participants received the first notions in data handling and development of thematic maps by using data from their home countries.


Thomas Rehmann
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-3078
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-53-3078

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