BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Supra-regional Africa: Overview on Groundwater in the Niger Basin Authority (NBA)

Pump test in the Kandi region of BeninPump test in the Kandi region of Benin Source: Kolja Bosch

Project results (1. Phase)

  • Production of 9 Baseline-Studies for each Member Country regarding groundwater relevant information and institutional capacities for groundwater management. This result includes the development of a synthesis on groundwater relevant information for the Niger Basin, too.
  • Database with standardized information on wells and groundwater monitoring station within the Niger Basin. The information from the database, even though it generally lacks onsite verification, will be helpful for the development of a future regional groundwater monitoring system.
  • Collection and geo-referencing of small scaled geologic maps for all areas within the Niger Basin forming a basis for future development of a regional hydro-geological map.
  • Knowledge and awareness development on groundwater related problems within the Niger Basin, especially for trans-boundary areas.
  • Selection and determination of two trans-boundary areas (pilot areas) for future groundwater monitoring.
  • In Niamey, the project has established a training and reference network for regular review of groundwater levels and groundwater quality. This groundwater monitoring network is still continuing to produce data.
  • Characterization of groundwater in Niamey within the framework of its dynamic and quality with two technical reports.
  • Implementation of practice-oriented training measures for groundwater monitoring and application of Geographic Information Systems.
  • Implementation of discharge measurement campaigns in the upper and middle catchment of the Niger River.


Thomas Rehmann
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-3078
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-53-3078

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