BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Lebanon - Protection of the Jeita-Spring

Country / Region: Lebanon / Western Asia
Focal point: Groundwater

Begin of project: June 16, 2009

End of project: September 30, 2014

Status of project: September 8, 2015

Tracer experiment in LebanonTracer experiment in Lebanon Source: BGR

Main problems of the water sector in Lebanon are the insufficient management and the deficient protection of the groundwater resources. In the metropolitan area of Beirut approximately 1.9 million residents depend on the drinking water supply of the Jeita-Spring, located approximately 13 km northeast from the city center of Beirut. The groundwater aquifer in the catchment area of the Jeita-Spring is endangered by numerous pollution sources, in particular by sewage water. Furthermore the water distribution system is antiquated and approximately 4.5 km west of the Jeita-Spring the sewage-treatment plant in Dbaye is not able to intercept the pollution sufficiently. The water supply of Beirut thus is acutely threatened.

The project planned by BGR takes place in parallel to a project of KfW with the same title. KfW project envisages the construction of sewage-treatment plants and collectors in the catchment area of the Jeita-Spring. Both projects conduce to the decline of the pollution of surface- and groundwater. The main reason for the contamination of the Jeita-Spring is the so far not regulated collection and treatment of sewage water in the catchment area of the Jeita-Spring. In line with the German Technical Cooperation measures it should be attempted to integrate aspects of water resources protection into the planning of projects for sewage water purification as well as into other domains of landuse planning

Project partners are the Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR), the Water Establishment Beirut Mount Libanon (WE-BML) as well as the Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW). Other project partners and public authorities (such as Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Environment and municipalities in the catchment area) will be integrated into project activities according to requirements. It is the first suchlike project for groundwater protection in Lebanon and thus has an important pilot and signal function for the water and environmental sector.

Technical Cooperation with Lebanon

Project-No.: 2008.2162.9

Project-ID: 1048

Project contributions:


Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR)

Water Establishment of Beirut and Mount Lebanon (E.B.M.L.)

Republic of Lebanon. Ministry of Environment (MOE)


Dr. Hans-Günter Mylius
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2359
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-3689

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