BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Technical Cooperation with Lebanon

Uncontrolled building activity - countryside at Mount LebanonUncontrolled building activity - countryside at Mount Lebanon Source: BGR

The majority of the Arab population lives in arid to semi-arid areas. Most Arab countries possess only very limited water resources, which additionally face big impact due to a significant increase in population. The yearly growth rate of the Lebanese population averages approximately 2 %. In this context appear wide spread problems such as the increasing degradation of the groundwater quality. Over the past years a water crisis in swaths of the Arab region becomes apparent, which is characterized by a supply shortfall in the big cities and the hindered access of the population to uncontaminated drinking water. Due to the Kioto-Protocol (2003) Lebanon as a state of the Mediterranean belongs to the sub-region which is the most affected by water scarcity. For the coming 10-15 years a water deficit for Lebanon is predicted as a result of an insufficient water management. As a country which still has to recover from two decades of civil war the Lebanon already shows a deficit in water supply and sewage water treatment. The Lebanese Republic is a parliamentary democracy. Since end of war in 1990 the Lebanon is dedicated to the rebuilding of the national economy. The country suffers under a high national debt, economic stagnation and high rate of unemployment. Its economy is mainly related to the services sector, which includes banking and financing, trade and tourism. The services sector is the most productive sector and obtains major support from the government. Quite the contrary the agricultural sector obtains less advertency by the government. This leads to the consequence that the Lebanon produces approximately only 20 % of its needed comestible goods. Most of the industry is concentrated in the region around Mount Lebanon as well as in the big cities like Beirut and Tripoli.

Completed Project:

Technical Cooperation with Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR)

Technical Cooperation with Water Establishment of Beirut and Mount Lebanon (E.B.M.L.)

Technical Cooperation with Republic of Lebanon. Ministry of Environment (MOE)


Dr. Hans-Günter Mylius
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2359
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-3689

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