BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Coupling Sustainable Sanitation and Groundwater Protection

Symposium to the International Year of Sanitation (IYS) 2008

October 14 - 17, 2008

Hannover, Germany



Wednesday 15.10.2008

09:30 - 10:30

Keynotes: Links between groundwater protection and sanitation

a) Stephen Foster (World Bank GW-MATE / IAH )
Urban water supply security in the developing world – groundwater use trends and the sanitation nexus (PDF, 4 MB)

b) Perry McCarty (Stanford University)
The insidious nature of groundwater contamination – the great need for protection (PDF, 2 MB)

11:00 - 12:30

Statements: International efforts for improved sanitation and groundwater protection

a) Patrick Mmayi (UNEP)
Sanitation and groundwater protection: a UNEP perspective (PDF, 1 MB)

b) Susanne Herbst (WHO / University of Bonn)
Sanitation and groundwater protection: a WHO perspective (PDF, 3 MB)

c) Darren Saywell (IWA / SuSanA)
Better planning for better sanitation (PDF, 148 KB)

14:30 - 16:30

Session I: Sanitation concepts and their relevance for groundwater protection

a) Elisabeth von Münch (GTZ)
Overview of anaerobic treatment options for sustainable sanitation systems (PDF, 4 MB)

b) Arno Rosemarin (SEI)
Overview on dry sanitation concepts including handling and storage of urine (PDF, 3 MB)

c) Thomas Levin (GTZ)
Groundwater protection through improved wastewater management in Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt (PDF, 1 MB)

d) Mirko Hänel (TTZ)
Sustainable and safe application of sludge and wastewater in short-rotation-plantations (PDF, 3 MB)

e) Ralf Otterpohl (Hamburg University of Technology)
Constructed wetlands for greywater handling (PDF, 3 MB)

f) Stefan Reuter (BORDA)
DEWAT systems and stakeholder involvement: Lessons learnt from a national community based sanitation programme (PDF, 3 MB)

Thursday 16.10.2008

09:00 - 11:00

Session II: Approaches covering sustainable sanitation and groundwater protection

a) Ali Subah (MWI) and Ariane Borgstedt (BGR)
Groundwater protection and sanitation – practical experiences in Jordan (PDF, 6 MB)

b) Thomas Nuber (University of Bochum)
Challenges of groundwater management in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam (PDF, 2 MB)

c) Ridha Béji and Khaled Mehrez (DGRE / ONAS; KfW)
Contribution of wastewater treatment to groundwater protection - experiences in Tunesia (PDF, 2 MB)

d) Bernard Keraita (IWMI)
Protecting groundwater through safe agricultural reuse of wastewater (PDF, 5 MB)

e) Bassim Abbassi (Al-Balqua University) and Leif Wolf (University of Karlsruhe)
Integrated assessment of sanitation aspects and groundwater management at the Lower Jordan River within the SMART-research project (PDF, 5 MB)

f) Chris Shisanya (Kenyatta University)
Mainstreaming sanitation into planning and implementation of integrated watershed management measures in Kenya (PDF, 4 MB)

Friday 17.10.2008

08:30 - 16.30

Field trip: Sanitation technologies and groundwater protection near Braunschweig

a) Heinrich Ripke (The Sewage Utilization Association of Braunschweig)
Braunschweig – Reuse of treated wastewater and quality-proven sludge in agriculture (PDF, 4 MB)

Brochure Purification and Agricultural Utilization of Communal Wastewater (PDF, 4 MB)

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