BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Earthquake interpretation


At BGR, seismologists manually assess on a daily basis the latest seismic events in Germany and the surrounding regions, as well as major earthquakes occurring around the world.

The evaluation is carried out using the seismic registrations recorded by the German Regional Seismic Network (GRSN), the Gräfenberg array (GRF), the GERES array, as well as registrations recorded by the stations of the state earthquake services or the state geological surveys, as well as stations in the neighbouring countries.

The results of the evaluations are summarised in catalogues or bulletins, and can be seen on the following pages.

The geographical subdivisions in the sections “Germany” and “world-wide”, backed up by a time component, enable users to quickly find information on recent seismic events. The geographical location of the earthquakes on the basis of various maps simplifies orientation.

Significant events, i.e. major events in Germany or earthquakes causing major damage in Europe and around the world are looked at and presented in more detail. The detailed evaluation sections contain details which are aimed more at seismologists than interested amateurs.

In addition to the continuously updated local catalogue (events in Germany and the neighbouring regions) and the tele-seismic catalogues (global events) published as part of the daily evaluations, BGR also publishes and administers a range of historical catalogues.

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