BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

EMODnet4 - European Marine Observation and Data Network

Country / Region: European marine areas

Begin of project: September 25, 2019

End of project: September 24, 2021

Status of project: June 23, 2021


EMODnet, the European Marine Observation and Data Network, is a longer-term programme of the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) in support of the Horizon 2020 strategy 'Marine Knowledge'. DG MARE is responsible within the European Commission for implementing the Common Fisheries Policy and the Integrated Maritime Policy.

The EMODnet programme is divided into eight thematic sub-projects, the so-called Lots: Bathymetry, geology, physics, chemistry, biology, seabed habitats, human activities and coastal mapping.

EMODnet Geology

BGR is involved in the EMODnet Geology subproject/Lot and leads the work package “seafloor geology”.

EMODnet Geology is in the fourth phase now since autumn 2019. GIS data layers on various topics are being compiled, harmonised and made available via the EMODnet portal, the BGR Geoviewer and the EuroGeoSurveys EGDI portal.

  • Seafloor Sediments (substrate, accumulation rate)
  • Seafloor Geology
  • Coastal Migration
  • Geological Events
  • Mineral Resources
  • Submerged Landscapes

Within EMODnet Geology BGR compiles digital map layers for the following themes:

  • Seafloor Geology, pre-Quaternary, Quaternary,

    • lithology, i.e. types of rock and sediment that occur on the sea floor,
    • stratigraphy, i.e. age of the rocks,
    • genesis of the rocks,
  • geomorphology, i.e. surface forms of the sea floor.

For the harmonisation of the thematic spatial data of more than 30 participating project partners (geological services, universities and other research institutions) common, agreed standards are essential, so that the geology is described in the same way across political boundaries. Therefore BGR created scientific and technical guidelines and provides a common term dictionary/vocabulary to be used by each partner:

  • Scientific Guidelines and Technical Guidance

    The document contains mapping rules and a “how-to” transform the spatial data provided by each country semantically according to the project standards.

  • Vocabulary
    which provide a common vocabulary which consists of detailed lists of the properties, terms and definitions needed to describe the geological/geomorphological units within the three data themes “pre-Quaternary geology”, “Quaternary geology” and marine “geomorphology”.

From the very beginning, the EMODnet Geology project has been compiling GIS data on Europe's marine geology according to INSPIRE principles. From phase to phase, the number of project partners has increased from 14 to 34, covering more marine areas and becoming more detailed in the course of the project.
In the current Phase IV the data layers from previous project phases are being supplemented, code lists improved and the data sets completed with contributions from new partner countries, the countries bordering the Caspian Sea.

The GIS data are available free of charge to all user groups from research, industry, administration and the general public, both as a view service and for download.

Project meetings

The kickoff meeting of Phase IV took place in Athens from 23-24 October 2019 and was hosted by the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR). A project meeting planned for April 2020 had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but nevertheless two on-line meeting took place in September 2020 and March 2021 where each workpackage presented and discussed the project results. The Seafloor Geology results were presented also at the EMODnet on-line Jamboree which took place on-line from 14 – 18. June 2021.

Link to the EMODnet Geology portal:

Link to the BGR Geoviewer:

Open access publication on EMODnet Geology Projekt
Discovering Europe's seabed geology: the EMODnet concept of uniform collection and harmonization of marine data (2020)

GIS application, database construction, development of presentation rules (legends, symbolisation)


34 European geological services and research institutions, EuroGeoSurveys/EGDI


Dr. Kristine Asch
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-3324

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