BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

International Quaternary Map of Europe 1 : 2 500 000

Carte Internationale du Quaternaire de l’Europe 1 : 2 500 000

IQE 2500 depicted exampleIQE 2500 depicted example

Together with the INQUA BGR published the International Quarternary Map of Europe 1 : 2 500 000.
Quaternary features such as end moraines, ground moraine hillocks, kames, drumlins, eskers and ice border lines are represented on the map. Additionally, the map shows the directions of ice movements, limits of marine transgressions and tectonic faults. Important localities of Quaternary research, bathymetric lines and recent deposits covering the sea floor are also indicated.

The map is currently being revised and digitized. A description of the project can be found here.

The legend on each of the 14 map sheets is in German and, depending on the territories covered, in English, French or Russian. The general legend is placed on map sheet number 15. Here you can download the general legend and also a reduced english version.

IQE 2500 sheet formatIQE 2500 sheet format

Our Produktcenter gives you an overview about editorial and technical information. There you can download image data for free. For purchasing printed maps please follow the instructions mentioned there.

The map is also included in the Geoviewer. Information on accessing the WMS service you find here.


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