BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

COORAL CO2 Purity for Capture and Storage

Begin of project: April 1, 2009

End of project: September 30, 2013

Status of project: August 31, 2014

COORAL is the acronym - derived from the German project name “CO2-Reinheit für die Abscheidung und Lagerung” - of a collaborative research project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

Logo of the collaborative project COORAL

The aim of the project COORAL was to investigate

- which substances are potentially generated and cocaptured in the Oxyfuel, the Pre-combustion and the Post-combustion Process and

- what are their impacts during transport, injection and geological storage,

targeting an optimisation of the entire process chain "power generation – transport – injection – geological storage" with respect to ecologic, technical and economic issues.

Project homepage:

Subject areas of COORALProcess chain: Power Generation - Transport - Injection - Geological Storage Source: BGR


COORAL - CO2-Reinheit für die Abscheidung und Lagerung: Schlussbericht des Projekteils der BGR: Geochemische Reaktionen von CO2-Gasgemischen mit Speichergesteinen und Deckschichten (PDF, 46 MB)


Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Berlin
DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik GmbH, Leipzig
Institut für Geowissenschaften der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Institut für Energietechnik der Technischen Universität Hamburg
Institut für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik der Technischen Universität Hamburg

Third party funding by:

Alstom, E.ON, EnBW, Vattenfall Europe Mining, VNG


Dr. Heike Rütters
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2583
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-2995

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