BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Targets of this subject area:

  • Measurement of fundamental system data (phase behaviour/critical parameters, density, viscosity, dew point etc.) for various fluid compositions.
  • Adaptation of state equations to simulate states that are not studied experimentally.
  • Investigation of steel corrosion by process fluids.



Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung

DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik GmbH

Technische Universität Hamburg

In principle, CO2-rich process fluids may be transported in the gaseous, liquid or supercritical state depending on temperature and pressure conditions in relation to the critical parameters of the fluid. The critical parameters, in turn, are influenced by the fluid composition. Knowledge about phase behaviour, density and viscosity of the process fluid as well as its potential for hydrate formation is crucial for the selection of compressors and the design of pipeline nets. These fundamental system data will be determined experimentally. Experimental data will be used for adaptation of state equations for the simulation of states that are not studied during the experiments.

Critical point of pure carbon dioxide ati T= 31°C and p= 7,38 MPaDensity of pure carbon dioxide as a function of pressure and temperature Source: BGR

High pressure cellHigh pressure cell for investigation of phase behaviour Source: TUHH

Similar to the corrosion studies in the subject area “Power Generation“, the liability of various steels to process fluid induced corrosion will be investigated under different temperature and pressure conditions, pH values and flow rates. A material model will be derived to predict if a selected steel is suitable as a pipeline material to transport CO2-rich fluids under given conditions.

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