BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

SUMATRA - The Hydrocarbon System of the Sumatra Forearc

Country / Region: Indonesia

Begin of project: May 1, 2006

End of project: October 31, 2008

Status of project: March 14, 2007

SO189 investigation areaSO189 investigation area Source: BGR

The SUMATRA project aims at deciphering pathways of hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation in the sediments of the forearc basins off Sumatra. To be able to reach this goal we have designed an integrated scientific approach which includes

  • geophysical surveying to learn about the structural style and evolution of the forearc, and

  • geological and geochemical sampling, organic geochemical analyses, and geomicrobiological investigations to understand the sedimentary system.

All results from different scientific disciplines will be integrated and used in a basin modelling study to gain insight into the composition, distribution and generation potential for hydrocarbons of the Sumatra forearc basins.

Previous RV SONNE cruises SO137 - SO139 have shown that hydrocarbons off Java and southern Sumatra are exclusively microbially generated whereas geochemical analyses of hydrocarbons obtained from industrial wells off central Sumatra are dominantly of thermogenic origin. Our working hypothesis is that the observed subduction of ridges at the Indian Ocean Plate (a Tertiary Spreading Ridge and the Investigator Ridge) causes the development of a particularly complex forearc system. Associated tectonically induced processes, like variable burial history and heatflow may control hydrocarbon generation in the forearc basins off central Sumatra. In a first step, the architecture of a well defined part of the forearc above the subducted ridge should be investigated using reflection and refraction seismic methods and magnetic and gravity measurements. Based on the results from geophysical surveying we will determine sediment thickness and distribution, sequence stratigraphy, presence of faults and of bottom simulating reflectors (BSR). These results will be needed to develop a model of evolution of the forearc through time which includes the evolution of its hydrocarbons. For calibration of the basin model geological, geochemical and geomicrobiological constraints have to be included; these data will be obtained by sediment sampling along several sampling transects and subsequent work on the sediment samples.

All data will be integrated into a hydrocarbon basin study including modelling of the evolution of its hydrocarbon content. From this study we expect insight into those factors which control hydrocarbon generation in a typical forearc setting.

RV SONNE cruise SO189 consisted of two legs:

  • SO189, Leg 1: 3.8. – 3.9.2007 (Penang – Jakarta), geophysical investigations (MCS, refraction seismics, gravimetry, magnetics, bathymetry, Parasound)

  • SO189, Leg 2: 6.9. – 8.10.2007 (Jakarta – Jakarta), geological / geochemical /micro-biological sampling, heat flow measurements, bathymetry, Parasound

Project contributions:


  • BBPT Jakarta
  • LIPI Bandung

Promotion / document number:

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) 03G0189A



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