BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Marine gravimeter

KSS32M marine gravimeter system installed on Research Vessel SONNEKSS32M marine gravimeter system Source: BGR

BGR is running on marine research cruises the marine gravimeter system KSS32M of Bodensee Gravitymeter Geosystem GmbH (BGGS). The KSS32M consists basically of the gravity sensor GSS30, which is installed on a gyro-stabalized platform. All electronic units including the power supply are integrated in the platform. A notebook is used for the control of the system and the data acquisition. It is a scalar relative instrument measuring differences in the vertical gravity component.

LaCoste&Romberg land gravimeter (G480)LaCoste&Romberg land gravimeter (G480) Source: BGR

In order to get from relative gravity to absolute gravity values, tie measurements in the harbor to locations of known absolute gravity are carried out. A LaCosteRomberg land gravimeter (G480) is used for this purpose.

Contact 1:


Contact 2:

Dr. Ingo Heyde
Phone: +49 (0)511-643-2782
Fax: +49 (0)511-643-3661

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