Technical infrastructure in marine resources research
For deepwater exploration BGR scientists need a wealth of facilities with measuring and sampling devices. Wherever possible, high quality devices available on the market are being used. In many cases, however, the BGR also develops equipment for technical support of marine-geoscientific investigations by itself. In sum, the BGR maintains a very extensive and modern pool of instruments for marine geophysics and marine geology, supervised and kept to date by a staff of experienced engineers and technicians.
- Sampling devices ( Piston corer and gravity corer, Multicorer, Box corer, Chain-bag dredge, TV-Grab)
- Tools for seafloor imaging (HOMESIDE, Video sledge (STROMER), Side-scan Sonar)
- Marine 2D- and 3D-reflection seismics
- Ocean bottom seismometer
- Marine magnetics
- Marine gravity
- Heatflow probe
- Marine electromagnetics (Golden Eye, HYDRA)