BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Download of metadata, technical data and evaluation data from geological investigations in the EEZ

Technical data and evaluation data of boreholes

Borehole data can be downloaded directly from the Drilling section of the BGR geoportal:

Technical data and evaluation data from profiling and mapping geological surveys

Data from the following marine geophysical surveys are currently available as download links:

  • 1973_Joint Seismic, Gravity and Magnetic Surveys - German North Sea (GerShelf-73) - Last Update: 29.08.2023
  • 1986_NOPEC German Regional Survey (GR-86) - Last Update: 24.08.2023
  • 1990_ARCO 1990, Block J (AR-J-90) - Last Update: 05.03.2024
  • 1991_ARCO 1991, Blocks E, H, J, K (AR-EHJK-91) - Last Update: 21.07.2023
  • 1997_North Sea, Blocks H, J, L, M, Wintershall-Dea (HJLM_97) - Last Update: 04.07.2024
  • 2001 EEG-3D, German North Sea, Block J (J-11) - Last Update: 02.04.2024
  • 2003 AURELIA Nordsee (BGR03-AUR) - Last Update: 06.05.2024
  • 2004_AURELIA Nordsee (BGR04-AUR) - Last Update: 21.02.2024
  • 2005_HEINCKE242 Nordsee (BGR05-HE242) - Last Update: 29.02.2024
  • 2011_CELTIC EXPLORER Nordsee (BGR11-CE) - Last Update: 24.06.2024
  • 2012_M88/1 Nordsee 3D-Testsurvey (BGR12-Nordsee3D) - Last Update: 11.12.2023
  • 2020_MSM97-GeoHifi (BGR20-GeoHifi) - Last Update: 21.07.2023

Geological data from investigations in the German EEZ

According to Chapter 4 of the Geological Data Act (GeolDG), geological data must be made available to the public. All data can be downloaded from the Geoportal of the BGR. The download services will be continuously expanded in line with the progress in the data preparation in accordance with the GeolDG.

Notes on the scope of publically available data

Data from decades of North Sea exploration archived at the BGR often exist only in analog form. Scanning and digitization of this data is an ongoing multi-year effort. Data for downloads is regularly updated and expanded.

If the required data is presently not available, we recommend trying to verify availability again at a later date. Parts of the analog inventory may also be accessed locally at the BGR archive.

Please note that public access to some data might be limited due to the statutory regulations for data categories defined by the Geological Data Act (GeolDG) (see FAQ – German language only).

BGR does not guarantee the completeness, timeliness or accuracy of the data provided.


BGR bears no responsibility with regard to the timeliness, completeness and accuracy of data submitted under the Geological Data Act. The data are made publicly available in the form in which they were provided by the party obliged to transmit them under the Geological Data Act. A plausibility check can only be carried out on a random basis. Liability for illegal, incomplete or incorrect content is excluded. Should you be of the opinion that the data violates applicable law, please inform us. An immediate check and, if necessary, deletion or deactivation will take place.

If are planning to use the data within the scope of commercial activity note that by conducting geological investigations in the sense of § 3 para. 2 of the Geological Data Act (GeolDG) you are required to adhere to these points below:

  • Two weeks before the start of the investigation at the latest, an official notification (Anzeige) of the metadata (Nachweisdaten) in accordance with § 8 GeolDG must be made to the responsible authority (to BGR); this also applies to the reprocessing of data;
  • The technical data (Fachdaten) that is obtained from the investigations must be transmitted (to BGR) no later than three months after completion of the investigation in accordance with § 9 Geol
  • No later than six months after completion, the evaluation data (Bewertungsdaten) must be transmitted in accordance with § 10 para. 1 GeolDG or, must be transmitted (to BGR) on request in accordance with § 10 para. 2 and 3 GeolDG.

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