BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Direction and speed of the recorded infrasound signals can be determined from the four stations of the array laid out in a configuration extending up to 2 km from the centre. The results of the frequency wave number analysis determined the signal energy maximum marked in yellow, which has an azimuth of 312.3 degrees. This corresponds to the source of the explosion located to the north-west of the array

Frequency wave number analysis Direction and speed of the recorded infrasound signals can be determined from the four stations of the array laid out in a configuration extending up to 2 km from the centre. The results of the frequency wave number analysis determined the signal energy maximum marked in yellow, which has an azimuth of 312.3 degrees. This corresponds to the source of the explosion located to the north-west of the array. Quelle: BGR

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