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PhD project student profiles

Dipl.-Geophys. Angelika Ullmann []

Angelika UllmannAngelika Ullmann Source: Angelika Ullmann

Short CV:

Since 09/2010:
AIDA project, Affiliation: Sub-Department Geophysical Exploration – Technical Mineralogy,
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover

2009 – 2010:
CLIWAT project, Affiliation: Sub-Department Geophysical Exploration – Technical Mineralogy,
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources
- Processing of airborne electromagnetic data (HEM)
- Improvement of inversion routines for HEM

2008 – 2009:
Cooperation with BGR on processing of airborne electromagnetic data and TEM-measurements for K+S

Diploma in Geophysics, Affiliation: Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
Thesis „Berechnung von approximativen elektromagnetischen Sensitivitäten nach der Methode der adjungierten Felder“

Research interests:

- Electromagnetic methods, especially airborne electromagntics
- Numerical geophysics

Tasks in the AIDA project:

- Implementing HEM processing and plotting routines into a GUI (HEM1D+)
- Development of a search algorithm to detect anomalous data
- Evaluation of the anomalies with respect to 3D effects
- Extraction of identified anomalies for 3D inversion
- Self consistent combination of 1D and 3D models

Dipl.-Geow. Dominik Steinmetz [steinmetz<at>]

Dominik SteinmetzDominik Steinmetz Source: Dominik Steinmetz

Short CV:

From 2004 to 2010 I studied Geosciences with a diploma degree at Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany, specializing in 3D subsurface modelling, geodata-management and the interplay of tectonics and sedimentology.
The topic of my diploma thesis (2010) was stratigraphic 3D modelling of a subglacial tunnel valley at Schöningen.

Tasks in the AIDA project:

Since November 2010, I am a PhD student at Leibniz Universtät Hannover, Germany in collaboration with the AIDA-project. For my PhD thesis I focus on improving depth inversions with airborne geophysical datasets to generate 3D subsurface models in AIDA-sub-project 5. These datasets will be compared and validated in geoscientific models with seismic, borehole data and gravimetric data.

My link:

Diplom-Geoinformatiker Peter Menzel [menzelp<at>]

Peter MenzelPeter Menzel Source: Peter Menzel

Short CV:

From 2003 to 2010 Peter Menzel studied „geoscience informatics“ with diploma certificate (ger.: „Diplom-Geoinformatik“) at the Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg.
During his studies he specialized in geomodelling, geodata-management, 3D-visualisation, virtual reality and numeric simulation.
In his diploma-thesis (2010) he developed methodes for immersive visualisation, interaction and analysis for geoscientific modells.

Tasks in the AIDA project:

Since december 2010 he works at Christian-Albrechts-University to Kiel/Germany as PhD-student in subproject 5 of the AIDA-project.
His tasks in AIDA are tool-developement for data-exchange, validation of geoscientific models and 3D-visualisation. He also administrates and moderates the AIDA-project-wiki-site.
During his PhD-Thesis he deals with the validation, comparison and visualisation of geoscientific models from very different modelling-sources but with a common geoscientific background.

My link:

Dipl.-Geophys. Mathias Scheunert [mathias.scheunert<at>]

Mathias Scheunert Mathias Scheunert Source: Mathias Scheunert

Short CV:

Since 2011 PhD student, research assistent at Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany (project: AIDA).
2010 Diploma in Geophysics at Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany (topic: 1D Inversion of electromagnetic data).

Tasks in the AIDA project:

Developing and implementation of a 3D inversion algorithm based on an arbitrary forward operator.

My link:


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